Saturday, December 1, 2012

Quiet night's sleep, long hot shower, coffee at Turnstile...

Just a few of the things I missed while being in Italy that I've already done since getting back to NJ last night!

I also already saw some friends: Michelle, AJ and Mike.  Seeing friends and family was the first thing on the list of things I'm looking forward to while being home for the holidays.  There's a whole bunch of other things that are must do's while we're

Go see the tree in NYC
Go to a diner
Eat some BBQ
Eat some Cuban food
Eat some Thai food
Eat anything besides Italian food
SURF again!
Take the boat out and go to Sedge
Hear some blues
Play some blues (with the Tribe of Uncles)
Work around the house
Hang out around the house...lay around on the couch and do nothing
OK...another food thing...have kettle corn while watching a movie
Go to a movie (in English) in the theater
Walk the High Line
Wander around the Village
Have brunch in Philly
Shop at REI
Did I mention SURF!!!!

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